4 Unique Ways to Volunteer for Halloween

Halloween isn’t typically thought of as a “do-gooders” holiday. But, despite what you may think, we’re here to tell you it’s a wonderful opportunity to give back. Take a look at our list, gather a group of family and friends and plan to give back this Halloween.

1. Volunteer to help celebrate Halloween for someone who is legally blind. You could be a shopper, driver, reader, or candy sorter. As someone who may not be able to drive to the store or navigate easily once there, something as simple as getting candy to pass out for neighborhood children could be a difficult task. Look into a local nonprofit who assists the blind and visually impaired to find out who lives in your area that you can assist.

2. Feeling creative? Haunted houses often need help constructing, decorating and being actors for their sets. You could even offer to do some marketing if that’s in your wheelhouse. Find a local haunted house through your Chamber of Commerce, library, local churches or schools and contribute in any way you know how to make it the best haunted house ever.

3. Gather candy donations and go to a Children’s Hospital to pass out candy. (Remember to bring a few toys for those who can’t have candy.) Feeling really charitable? Dress up in a fun, kid-friendly costume to brighten their Halloween night even more!

4. Donate old costumes to a children’s shelter. If you have old, gently used kid’s costumes consider putting them to good use! Costumes can get pricy, and on a tight budget, kids might not have the option of dressing up. Share this joy with them by donating your children’s old costumes (or encourage family friends with kids to do so).